Friday, January 21, 2011
JSP Daily Trivia - Answers 10-17
Here are the answers to questions for January 10 - 17.
10 - Jen's home mountain:
Diamond Peak! I raced from ages 12-17 on the Diamond Peak Ski Team. Actually looking forward very much to Ullrfest tonight!
11 - What Tahoe spot is one of the most photographed locations in the world?
Emerald Bay. I was lucky enough to photograph an intimate wedding ceremony above the bay this past September.
12 - For which local publication does Jen freelance - with photos and written pieces?
Bigger and better, it's Tahoe Quarterly! A lot of you guessed the Bonanza - not so. You still see some of my new work in it because occasionally a client will submit a photo I've created for them :)
13 - What kind of incentives does Jen Schmidt Photography offer for referrals and customer loyalty?
15% off session fees for annual clients and for those who refer new clients to JSP. Really!
14 - With what Incline-based company does Jen work regularly for commercial photos?
The wonderful, delicious business called Meals by Maggie! She has also generously donated a meal for two as a prize for this contest, so play hard!
15 - Which one of your IVGID trustees was featured as a famous bank robber in those Chocolate, Wine & Roses promotional photos?
Mean muggin' Bea Epstein - she and her husband are a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde in these photos. Off camera, they're very sweet people.
16 - What college did Jen attend?
Okay - so I had a hard time coming up with answers that actually resembled college names. Whatever. The truth is I went to the University of Puget Sound--a very good school--where during my freshman year a "professional" comedian gave a stand-up show in the student union building and told us all he was surprised when he pulled up and there weren't any brown trucks. Crickets I tell you.
17 - Let's say you pick up a manual camera. What is one thing the f-stop controls?
Ahhh. There were two right answers. The f-stop/aperture controls both depth of field and how much light the camera lets in. Strangely enough, the smaller the number, the larger the opening.
Thanks for playing - keep it up, because you have 14 more chances to win fabulous prizes!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Erik and Macy - the proposal

There are quite a few things you could do to start off 2011 well. You can throw a big party for your friends, eat well, start losing weight, go on an amazing vacation. Last week I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to witness and photograph one of the very best ways to kick off a new year—a proposal.
I received a phone call last Wednesday morning from a friend at the Hyatt who said she had a customer who needed a photographer that afternoon. Something about how he was proposing to his girlfriend on the beach. Of course I was in, I told her. Ultimate photojournalist challenge.
At 4:30 I headed down to the Lone Eagle Grille and proceeded to pretend I was just taking pictures of the sunset while lingering nearby. Erik and Macy sat on a picnic table quietly, talking and cuddling in the chilly air, watching the sun set over Tahoe.
When they got up to walk around, he threw a snowball, they stood next to this funny half-melted snowman, etc. (I could tell he was nervous from my spot 20 yards away! Adorable.) Then he knelt down.

What an amazing first couples' session of 2011. I had never witnessed a proposal—personally or professionally—and the emotions were overwhelming. The love just flowed from these two, sweet, deep and strong. They are incredibly lucky, and so am I for having witnessed their moment.
Here's to Macy and Erik: best of luck, you two; happy new year to all. 2011 is going to be a good one.
Monday, January 10, 2011
JSP Daily Trivia - Answers 1-9
Sunday, January 2, 2011
#reverb10 - December 28
#reverb10 - December 26, 27
#reverb10 - December 25