Wednesday, December 15, 2010

#reverb10 - December 15

5 minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.

Mexico, Mexico, Mexico. You set my soul on fire. I came home with a sunburn and sand in my shoes, and an endless amount of joy when I think of you.

Backpacking Desolation. How the trees there are gnarled and bleached and twisted almost flat to the ground from decades of exposure. How delicious apple pancakes and fresh trout can be.

Star Follies. The camaraderie, how hot and sticky the upstairs rooms get after two shows a night, so much glitter; dancing fearlessly in front of the whole town, my heart racing!

Austin. Rooftop bars, queso, a delicious 85 degrees. It was just what I needed when the weather started to cool in Tahoe.

Marcus and Amanda's wedding. Freezing cold outside (Michigan in February) but so much fun it was worth it. Double-decker party bus!

David and Kristin's wedding in Montana. Two of my best friends in the world and I had the privilege to photograph their most important day. I couldn't ask for better people in my life.

All 15 or so couples whose weddings I photo'd this year. How unique each pair is, their little meltdowns and triumphs, and the fact that no matter how many I attend I still cry at weddings. Boo.

My brother. Growing up, reaching out, going back to school. I could not be more proud of the very human presence he is becoming. It wasn't always that way.

My dad and his colleagues being laid off Oct. 1; more specifically, the hope that they have carried since. It's amazing to see a group of people who have nothing pull together and keep working, fueled only by fumes, in hopes that they'll reach that promised land where everything will be okay or better yet, where a huge payout is waiting.

How could I forget?


  1. I especially love the image of "carried hope"... how remarkable... and oh, I bet you hold lots of love and share lots of love in those wedding photos you take, just from reading your 5 minutes of 2010.

    I am grateful to have found you tonight via Reverb10~

    My 5 minutes of 2010.

  2. Julie, yours is wonderful too. Thanks for sharing and for finding me.
