Wednesday, December 22, 2010

#reverb10 - December 19

Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?

Writing about healing is tough right now. It's dark where I am, figuratively speaking. I'm fairly sick for the umpteenth time this year, with some nasty virus and a sinus infection that won't quit even though I had septoplasty in September to get rid of my chronic sinus infections. I'm worried about a million and one things I won't go into here and I could not feel less healed as 2010 draws to a close. In fact I pretty much feel like a big raw nerve.

In 2011 I can see a lot of potential events happening that would help heal me. I would love to see my dad back in a job so I could stop worrying about trying to give my parents all my extra income, which isn't much in the winter months. I desperately want to see someone very close to me stop drinking so much and hurting her family. I want to see my boyfriend be a stronger person and get it together so I can stop second-guessing myself. I want to see me being stronger too, going out to absolutely pwn anything I set my mind or heart on. My lack of confidence in myself in so many areas is eating me from the inside out.

I want to feel more complete than I do now. 2011 has a lot of potential.

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